Daan van Dartel

Daan van Dartel

Drs. Daan van Dartel

Curator Popular Culture and Fashion


Daan van Dartel studied Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University (MA) and Museology (MA) at the Reinwardt Academy in Amsterdam. She has worked at the Tropenmuseum since 2004, (documentalist 2004 – 2009 / senior documentalist 2009 -2014) doing curatorial research on collections for different large permanent and temporary exhibitions. In 2015 she became curator of popular culture and fashion at the NMVW. Her interests lie with the mundane that shapes everyday lives of people, the meaning of clothing in communication, the power of fashion as a language and identity issues. Her museological interests deal with the roles of museums in society, decolonization through fashion, and multivocality.
Currently Daan works on re-fashioning the ethnographic clothing collections. How can the concept of fashion be applied to existing collections and (how) can it inform collecting the new? She is also looking at dress interactions in colonial times.

Selected Publications

  • Hanae Mori: Fashion Between East and West, in:  Shatanawi, M. and Modest, W.,  The Sixties. A Worldwide Happening. 2015: Lecturis/Tropenmuseum. 
  • Het kunstzinnige lijf, kunsttijdschrift ARTicle,  APRIL 2015
  • Sensing Archive – a company photo album from the Netherlands East Indies. In: Journal for Photography and Culture, vol. 5 (3) November 2012. New York: Berg Publishers.
  • Kettles of Cochran. HERA Photoclec Project, 2010-2012. (26-09-2017)
  • Faber, P., S. Wijs, en D. van Dartel, Africa at the Tropenmuseum. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers. 2011.
  • The Oldest Collections of the Tropenmuseum: Haarlem and Artis. In: D. van Duuren (ed.) Oceania at the Tropenmuseum. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers. 2011
  • Tropenmuseum for a Change! Bulletin, Tropenmuseum. Amsterdam: KIT publishers, 2009.
  • Collectors Collected. Exploring Dutch colonial culture through the study of batik. Bulletin 369. Tropenmuseum. Amsterdam: Kit Publishers. 2005