Karen Strassler is a cultural anthropologist whose research focuses on the social lives and political work of images. She teaches at Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and received her PhD from the University of Michigan. At the broadest level her work explores the relationship between visuality and political imaginaries, but always through a grounded, ethnographic approach that traces how concrete images and image-practices shape and intervene in the visual field, opening towards new political horizons and subjectivities.
Her first book, Refracted Visions: Popular Photography and National Modernity in Java (2010) examined the role of everyday photographic practices in the making of Indonesian subjects, spaces, and temporalities. The book was awarded the Gregory Bateson Prize for Cultural Anthropology, the Harry J. Benda Prize for Southeast Asian Studies, and the John Collier Prize for Visual Anthropology. Her recent book, Demanding Images: Democracy, Mediation and the Image Event in Indonesia (2020), is an exploration of the ways that public images contoured the political field during a tumultuous time of democratic transition and technological transformation. It is also a study of how, within today’s complexly mediated public spheres, ludic and personalized images increasingly compete with the documentary images that once assumed authority in public claims-making and truth-telling. The book argues that political processes today are shaped by the growing eventfulness of images, as people increasingly participate politically by producing, altering, circulating, and scrutinizing images. More recently, she has turned her attention to histories of violence, contemporary art, and the ethnic Chinese minority in Indonesia.