This project investigates the art and history of the Pacific and Europe’s engagement with Oceania, through the rich ethnographic collections found in many European museums. Whilst a few works have become icons of Oceanic art, extensive collections formed over the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, remain largely unstudied. Focusing on collections from the Pacific that are now in museums in Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom, Pacific Presences. Oceanic Art and European Museums (2013-2018) will use inter-disciplinary methods to explore a broad range of artworks from the region. Considering the constitutive role of artefacts in Pacific societies whilst addressing the complexity of their cross-cultural histories, the project aims to confront and explore the colonial lives of the collections and consider their significance and salience to twenty-first century communities and audiences, in both the Pacific and Europe.
More broadly the project considers questions relating to museum policy and practice as well as the role and relevance of these collections in Europe and the Pacific today. The research group will investigate Oceanic collections across a range of European museums in unprecedented depth. Researchers will work with a network of collaborators, including elders and community members in the Pacific Islands, and contemporary artists, who will provide a range of expert, customary and experimental perspectives upon art works and genres, and reflect upon a range of questions raised by collection histories and museum environments.