Srefidensi Foto

Materializing Slavery

Turbulent Lives | 2016-2017

Globalisation, Photography and Race

Creating the 'New' Asian Woman

CoHERE - Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe

RICHES | 2015-2017

The Popular Culture of Illegality

Baggage and Belonging: Military Collections and the British Empire (1750-1900)

Museum Affordances

Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage (SWICH)

Playing with Tradition?

Highlights from Arabia in the Leiden Collections

Framing Indonesian Art

Buurtsalon - Mijn Ritueel


Vivian Mac Gillavry

Caroline Spijkers

Katie M. Sandels

Anke Bosma

Diasporic Connections: Ghana 60 Years After

Pacific Presences | 2013-2018

Bijlmer 50 Years

Entangled in History

The Koto
Since 2016, the RCMC/Tropenmuseum and Imagine IC have collaborated on a series of projects that exp

The Critical Visitor: Intersectional Approaches for Rethinking & Retooling Accessibility and Inclusivity in Heritage Spaces
The Research Center for Material Culture will work

Adriaan Gerbrands Lectures

Un/Engendering the Collections: Rethinking Gender in the Ethnographic Museum

Het Verleden Heeft een Huis
Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums
RESEARCH PROJECT | 2021 - 2025
The National Museum of World Cultures (NMVW) and the Vrije Unive

Religious Homes: The Role of Religion in the process of Homemaking
Since 2016, the RCMC/Tropenmuseum and Imagine IC have collaborated on a series of projects that explore i

Race, Slavery, Colonialism and Capitalism
This project is a three-year collaboration between the Cen

Collection Research | The technique and/as experience of Afro-Surinamese costume
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE RESEARCH | Jane Stjeward-Schubert, Ella Broek, Michelle Piergoelam

Collection Research | Textile practices as ways to heal, care and resist
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE RESEARCH | Luisa Michelsen, Magdalena Wiener
In regard to the exte

Extended Family
Meet our Extended Family, a long-term commitment to collaboration
As a mission drive


Amal Alhaag awarded the Akademie van Kunsten Penning 2022 & SNAP - Black Like Us, Mourn Like Us, Imagine Us
On 20 April 2022, the Akademie van Kunsten/Society of the Arts awarded senior cur

Barbro Klein Fellowship to Wonu Veys | Tattooing in the Pacific Archipelago of Tonga | Piecing Together an Historical and Anthropological Narrative
RESEARCH PROJECT | Tattooing in the Pacific Archipelago of Tonga | Piecin

NWO Award to Annette Schmidt | Museum Grant for Provenance Research | West-Central African Collection

Elizabeth James-Perry | Artist in Residence | Taking Care
Wampum jewellery designer Elizabeth James-Perry will be participating in an artist residency as part of t

1873 Research Project: 150 Years of Shared Histories
This research project uses the anniversary of 150 years of Indian arrival into Suriname as a starting and

Questions of Indigeneity in a (European) Museum Context
This research project focuses on the question how to tell the story of Indigeneity, of Indigenous wo